An exquisite corpse will drink the young wine...

Stop, don’t go away – or you won’t see a strange world, created for you by the artists, who work in the most amazing and mysterious modern style – surrealism (from French «surrealisme» -  over-realism).
 «An exquisite corpse will drink the young wine» - this phrase was born by surrealists during the burime game. Close your eyes and try to imagine this phrase visually. You’ll see the materialistic reality, combining incompatible, but it is possible in the irreality  of human perception. This phrase most exactly reflects the essence of surrealism.
 Surrealistic pictures are born not only for human eyes, but also for human brain. Their vocation is to awaken thought and emotions. Some of them attract by their action and the unusuality of their forms, others – by the play of imagination and the mystery of their internal content, others – by the capriciousness of their composition and their unusual performance, but all these pictures are united by their authors` striving for finding in usual things and phenomenons  new sides, which are hidden from our mind because of our unwillingness or inability to see them.
 «Only the marvelous is beautiful» – says the surrealists` manifesto. They are treating their trend as a means of total liberation of our mind from external influence. Marvelous – it is a reality, transformed in accordance with  the law of day-dreams and reveries. It is the world, created by Dali, Magritte, Bosch and many-many others.
 Today we invite you to visit the halls of our gallery and to see the works of our contemporaries, who are also in quest of that strange point of human consciousness, where life and death, reality and imagination, past and future, high and low flows together on the horizon of cognition of the human inner world.

Don’t be afraid to see this!

«Sommeil» gallery presents the artworks of surrealistic artists.

Boris Shelegov

Hall 1  (1999 -)
Hall 2 (1996 - 1998)
Hall 3 (1989 - 1995)
Hall 4 (unfinished artworks)
Born in 1961.
Lives and works in Donetsk, Ukraine.
Doesn’t have special education of the arts.
Style – surrealism, several latest works gravitate to symbolism.
1993 – personal exhibition in the University of culture by Donetsk Polytechnic Institute;
1999 – participation in the virtual exhibition MAC-21.
Pictures are situated in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Chechia, Germany.

Alexander Peretyatko

Surrealistic artist.
Was born in 1958
Lived and works in Makeevka, Ukraine
Doesn't have special education of the arts.
You won't find in his pictures a chaotic accumulation of osmotic elements - everything of canvas is submitted ti the Idea - the surrealistic idea, threating the name of pictures.
The themes are as old as the histiry of arts. The idea is simple, like a home-sbun canvas...
...The art consists in the developing of the idea and the expression of the idea on canvas. And the brilliant, photographic technic of painting helps Alexander in it.
His picture are situated in private collections of Ukraine, Russia, SAR, USA.

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Russian version
Main page
"Sommeil",  part #1, Boris Shelegov
"Sommeil",  part #2, Alexander Peretyatko
"Sommeil",  part #3, Gallery's guests