Surrealistic art  in the gallery

Virtual gallery "Sommeil"  was founded in  1998
The artworks of  Donetsk artists Boris Shelegov and Alexander Peretyatko  are represented in the Gallery.
We also have a hall of guests, where the original works of our friend are shown.
 Only originals of the pictures, existing in one copy, are represented in the "Sommeil"
You can buy (if somebody hadn't left you behind) any picture you like.
The gallery is frequently completed by some new artworks, so don't forget to visit it again.


Best view using NETSCAPE 4.0 or higher and a Desktop Area of  800x600 pixels
Click on  link text to move to the Gallery.
Russian version
"Le Cadavre exquis" - information about artists
"Sommeil",  part #1, Boris Shelegov
"Sommeil",  part #2, Alexander Peretyatko
"Sommeil",  part #3, Gallery's guests
 The site was last updated on December, 1999
26503visitors since December, 1998
all copyrights are protected

"Sommeil" is grateful to:

families and  friends for their help and moral support;
Julia Shelegova and Alexander Dyadyora  for their  help in the creation of  "Sommeil";
Mr. Agu Pert, USA, Gaithersburg;
all nature creatures and phenomenons, thanks to which ideas arise in my mind and incarnate on canvas...
Special gratitude to Natalia Shelegova, without whom a lot of  picture wouldn't exist.



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Art Gallery - Anniversary Gift Idea
Art Gallery - Anniversary Gift Idea - EnglishArt Gallery - Anniversary Gift Idea - Russian
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